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How to choose suppliers for your wedding in Italy

choose suppliers wedding

Many couples from all over the world choose to get married in Rome or in another Italian city and therefore need different services for the complete organization of their wedding.

Not everyone is able to make on-site inspections in person for the choice of the various suppliers, so some rely on an internet search to find photographer, location, make-up artist, hire-stylist, flower designer, often preferring those who have beautiful photos on their website and then choosing only on the basis of the lowest price.

We'll try to give you some useful advice so that your wedding day will not be ruined by unpleasant inconveniences and will not become a bad day to forget.

Is it safe to rely only on internet suppliers?

The web is an infinite world where you can find a lot of useful and important information, but at the same time there are many misleading ones that tend to deceive the reader.

A simple example may be a wedding photographer website where some beautiful photos you like are published, so you decide to contact him for more information and for a quote for your photo shoot.

After finding the economic agreement, when everything seems perfect and in line with your tastes, are you sure you have asked for the right information?

And then are you sure that you will receive the requested service? And that the photos published on your site are really yours and not others' or downloaded from one of the websites that sell photos?

Another case is the choice of the floral decoration of the church and the location. You can rely on a web search to find the flower designer who most catches your attention, but who can give you the certainty that the result will be the expected one? Will the flowers be fresh?

Will it be able to provide you with what you requested? Are you sure that the period when you decide to get married those flowers will be available or can be out of season?

The same thing can happen for the make-up artist and the hairdresser who may not satisfy your requests, without having first done a test, or maybe you have not informed yourself in advance about the time necessary for the preparation and you may have delays that they will lead to chain problems during the day.

About the location you need to check a lot of information before choosing it, and from the news on the web you will not be able to get all the answers.

Unfortunately, in all sectors it can happen that those who consider themselves "professionals" try to attract customers with false advertising via the web or by making promises that they do not keep, thus causing incalculable damage to the married couples who see their special day ruined.

Furthermore, no one can assure you that the chosen supplier really exists in the real world, that he works as described on his website and that you will have a great day, maybe the website and contact details still exist, but the business activity can be closed and this supplier could fool you.

What to ask suppliers

In order not to have bad surprises on your wedding day there are really many questions to ask each of the chosen suppliers, different for each service.

Let's just take the location choice as an example. Many couples think only about menu and price, without asking if there will be any extras for drinks, quality wine, etc., or the existence of a parking lot for guests' cars, or the maneuvering area for a coach if your guests will arrive all together in group, the time available of the location because maybe they could have other weddings later, or any extras for over time, the possibility of having exclusive areas and rooms and much more.

It is also important to know the presence between guests of food intolerances such as lactose or allergies such as celiac disease, if the kitchen is ready to change the menus safely and offer tasty dishes for these people.

Another important factor about the kitchen is knowing if the catering is inside or outside the location, since some historic villas haven't a cooking area and therefore it may happen that the preparation of dishes is not possible at the moment.

It could happen that the location is too small for all people and the guests can be located in different rooms, or that it is ill-maintained or not easily accessible, or maybe you have planned an outdoor space for an American wedding without providing an alternative indoors in case in bad weather, or their catering may not be up to preparing dishes that are pleasant on the palate and for the tastes of your guests, not having had the opportunity to test the cuisine in person.

Without asking the right questions, you certainly run into problems during your special day that irreparably lead to bad memories in the future.

Unfortunately, when you don't know the supplier and don't go to visit him in person, since he is in a foreign country, the risk of obtaining a result far from your expectations is very high, but the solution exists for everything!

How to avoid wrong choices

choose suppliers wedding

To avoid wrong choices you should check by yourself what you are just about to confirm, as well as knowing all the info to ask, but not all couples have the opportunity to come to Italy before their wedding day to dedicate themselves to various appointments with wedding suppliers, which requires many days and a lot of effort.

Of course you can inform yourself in advance about the supplier to choose, through feedback on Google and Tripadvisor, but we all know that these too can be distorted and many are bought, that is, you pay someone to have only positive feedback or otherwise written by friends and relatives with the consequence of not having all the truthful feedback.

However, even if you could find a good wedding supplier (as a photographer, flower designer, restaurant, etc.), there remains the risk that the result may not be what you hoped for, or during the wedding day they could ask for unexpected surcharges, or added the amount of VAT to the agreed price, previously not highlighted. So how to solve it?

Relying on a wedding planner agency to organize your wedding is the best solution to avoid unpleasant surprises during the most important day of your life, to have a single point of contact to turn to and to act as an intermediary for each service.

Surely an expert wedding planner personally knows its suppliers with whom she has been collaborating for many years, so she will be able to advise you on the professional best suited to your preferences with the guarantee and the certainty of an excellent result.

The wedding planner will be present during all wedding preparations, from the decoration to the photo shoot, taking care that everything happens as agreed and according to the spouses' tastes, leaving nothing to chance.

Since she will be present on the wedding day, you can relax and fully enjoy your day, while she will think about coordinating things and people.

But are all wedding planners the same? Certainly not, because not all agencies work with newlyweds from all over the world and therefore don't know many customs and cultures that could embarrass guests on the most beautiful day of your life.

What the wedding planner does for you

Behind the professional figure of the wedding planner there are not only flowers, location and paperwork! In her you will find a careful and reliable person, with a lot of experience gained over the years, able to impeccably organize your wedding and keeping you updated on everything, with the ability to cope with any unexpected events, such as having a backup plan in bad weather for an outdoor ceremony or other.

My Wedding in Rome has been involved in organizing weddings in Italy for foreign couples for many years and guarantees that the best day of your life will not have any nasty surprises!